Startup’s Application

With this application you indicate your interest in your participation in startups register of the Region of Central Macedonia. With your participation, your promotion in all the actions implemented by the Region in Greece and abroad is ensured.

If you are a new company (up to seven years from establishment), with activity (head office or branch) within the administrative boundaries of the Region of Central Macedonia and your activity is innovative (technological or not, related to something new in the market), you can benefit.

The Region of Central Macedonia is grateful for the opportunity to support you: advertising and promotion, information, interconnection and guide you in the best possible way so that our Region becomes a dynamic ecosystem with efficiency and competitiveness.

Fill out the form below to contact you.

Contact telephone for possible questions: 2313 319668

Contact E-mail:

One Stop Liaison Office team will be in touch shortly with your request.

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    By submitting the above contact form you agree that we may register and use your data under GDPR principle which applies to European Union countries.

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